Saturday, 4 March 2017

Why I Continue My Study to University Level ?

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Introduce, my name is Jessy Septia Ningsih,
I was the second of two brothers. I was born 18 years ago, precisely on September 27th, 1998 from a simple family, but it is very incredible for me. My mother came from Java and my father Chinese descent, but was born in the city of Pontianak. Why can I be born in Pontianak? 😁 That's because my parents moved to work initially in Jogja migrants to pontianak. From kindergarten to high school even today both my parents very important role as a motivating me to always study hard and contin
Of the biggest factors encouragement for me is the family. Because the family is the place where I first learned a valuable lesson, Because the family is the place where I first gained a valuable lesson. How do I talk, walk, until I became what it is because of my family affection also be a strong person in life despite the various obstacles waiting at the front, so that in the future I can improve the quality of life to be better than ever. To make parents happy is the biggest factor for me because every parent wants to see their children educated are much higher than they once were.
Ambition is the most perfect motivation to help me reach my dreams if successful later, the ideals I want to be educators who not only teach and science alone, but also educates the character. At this time, high school graduates is totally meaningless if we do not continue to pursue a higher school again, increasing competition, so to get a job as well of course, we are confronted with so many competitors.why I chose to continue to pursue college studies at the University of Tanjungpura course to improve the quality and standard of living that is more glorious future .

For the end of story..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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